New Delhi: The Delhi High Court said on Friday that ‘A Big Little Murder’ can’t be streamed by Netflix or any other online streaming platform.
The court ordered that all scenes which have explicit references to a specific school must be deleted from the 2019 documentary, which was apparently based on the death of a seven-year-old boy in the washroom of Gurugram’s Ryan International School.
The documentary, aimed at uncovering the truth behind the “brutal 2017 murder of a young Indian schoolboy”, was released on Netflix on August 6, 2021.
The Netflix description says the two-episode show is “controversial, provocative, investigative.”
The school moved Delhi High Court against the streaming of the documentary as its name is used and visuals shown — in complete violation of the January 8, 2018 order. That order had directed to protect and safeguard the privacy and reputation of the parties.
“The defendants are restrained from streaming, broadcasting, telecasting etc. the documentary titled ‘A big Little Murder’ or any of its abridged versions. I may clarify that the defendants may stream the said documentary after deleting all references to the plaintiff school in question and deleting the portion where the building of the school is depicted,” said Justice Jayant Nath, adding that imaginary names of the victim, accused and the school have to be given.