Bhubaneswar: Biju Janata Dal (BJD) on Thursday moved Odisha’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) accusing Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Chhatrapur Assembly candidate Krushna Chandra Nayak of violating Model of Conduct (MCC) by holding an election meeting in a government set up.
In a written complaint to the CEO, the party accused Nayak of holding an election meeting in the government storm shelter at Sanramchadrapura of Madhurachua in Ganjam district late on Wednesday. Photographs supporting their allegations were also attached to the letter.
“Odisha BJP candidates have made it a habit to violate model code of conduct of the Election Commission of India (ECI),” BJD wrote in the letter and urged the CEO to take strict action against the BJP candidate for using a prohibited government facility for election purposes.
“We trust that you will take necessary steps to address this matter promptly and ensure that the upcoming elections are conducted in a fair and ethical manner,” the letter read.