Bhubaneswar: Amid a crackdown on illegal liquor trade across Odisha, the Excise department has conducted raids at 1,902 places and arrested 2,606 people since August 20.
Official sources said on Monday that special teams of the Excise department conducted raids across the state and seized illegal liquor as well as ingredients and materials used for preparation of liquor.
While 2,606 people have been arrested, 2,37,930 litres of illicitly distilled (ID) liquor seized during the special drive. Similarly, 22,36,623 litres of wash have been seized and 1,902 places raided during the last three weeks.
Vehicles used in the illegal trade are also being seized as the government tightened the noose around liquor racket.
Excise Minister Prithviraj Harichandan has already stated that the crackdown will continue to eradicate the illicit liquor trade completely.