New Delhi: In a scene straight out of a Bollywood film, a real estate tycoon was arrested at Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport after a 60-kilometre chase.
A Special Task Force (STF) team apprehended Sanjeev Jain, Managing Director and CEO of Parsvnath Developers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi police said on Sunday.
A non-bailable warrant had been issued against Jain by the Joint Registrar of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (CDRC), Delhi, last month.
The warrant was based on a complaint filed against Jain by Rajat Babbar in 2017.
Jain failed to appear before the commission despite issuance of the warrant. Consequently, four non-bailable warrants and one bailable warrant from the National Commission were pending against Jain at Shahdara police station.
Following his arrest, Jain was presented before the National CDRC on August 4.