Salman Khan Fan Shares Shah Rukh’s Teleprompter Moment, Gets Trolled

Bhubaneswar: As fans of Shah Rukh ‘King’ Khan were rejoicing the superstar’s Best Actor award at the IIFA, a self-proclaimed Salman Khan follower tried to ruin their special moment by sharing an insignificant video.

The Salman fan took to social media platform X to share a video of Shah Rukh using a teleprompter at the IIFA.

In the video, a large teleprompter, with the script that SRK was reading on the IIFA stage, can be seen behind the audience.

However, this didn’t go down well with SRK’s fans, who lashed out at Salman’s fan for posting such a petty video.

“No big deal, I mean, who doesn’t use a teleprompter these days? Even the most experienced hosts rely on them,” an SRK fan wrote.

“Even your Salman Khan uses a teleprompter, so what?” commented another.

“What’s the problem? Do you think anyone can memorise a 30-minute show? It’s an awards show—everything has a script,” said one netizen.

“They’ve been using teleprompters since the 2000s; what era are you living in?” asked another.

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