New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan hosted the newly appointed US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti at his Mumbai home Mannat on Tuesday. Taking to Twitter on Tuesday night, the ambassador posted photos from his visit. In the first picture, Shah Rukh and Garcetti posed next to each other inside Shah Rukh’s home in Bandra.
Is it time for my Bollywood debut? 😉 Had a wonderful chat with superstar @iamsrk at his residence Mannat, learning more about the film industry in Mumbai and discussing the huge cultural impact of Hollywood and Bollywood across the globe. #AmbExploresIndia
— U.S. Ambassador Eric Garcetti (@USAmbIndia) May 16, 2023
Shah Rukh was wearing a black sweatshirt, matching denims and a cap. Gauri was seen in a black outfit too. Pooja Dadlani, his manager, opted for a white shirt and denims.
Sharing the photos, Garcetti captioned the post, “Is it time for my Bollywood debut? Had a wonderful chat with superstar @iamsrk at his residence Mannat, learning more about the film industry in Mumbai and discussing the huge cultural impact of Hollywood and Bollywood across the globe. #AmbExploresIndia.”
Reacting to the post, a fan wrote, “Ambassador sir absolutely, Karan Arjun 2 it should be.” A person asked, “So Isn’t #SRK getting younger by time?” A Twitter user also said, “Caption should have been ‘with the only legend’.” A fan called Shah Rukh ‘biggest superstar in the World’.