New Delhi: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has named actress Rhea Chakraborty among the 33 others accused in the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. It filed a lengthy charge sheet on Friday in front of a special NDPS court and also contains the statement of 200 witnesses. The hard copy contains over 12,000 pages and the digital format is around 50,000 pages.
The charge sheet has gone beyond Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and traced the trail of narcotics, its sourcing and then distribution in Mumbai, Hindustan Times (HT) reported.
In its six-month-long probe, the agency conducted raids in several locations of Maharashtra and claimed to have busted some rackets actively operating in the city and allegedly inside Bollywood.
The agency recorded statements of actors Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Rakul Preet, Shraddha Kapoor, Arjun Rampal among others.
All these statements and other findings by the agency have been submitted to the court which will now be verified and then the accused will be asked to appear in the court, the report added.
Among the others accused in the case are Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik’s son-in-law Sameer Khan, film director Rishikesh Pawar who was a friend of Sushant Singh Rajput and Kshitij Ravi Prasad, who was earlier associated with Dharma Production’s digital arm.