Desolate nights, the empty mind
Staring into the shiny mirror
She stuck her red bindi
To wash off her
Remaining feelings.
It didn’t occur to her
When the passionate night of longing
Consumed her entire being
She ran panting to wipe off
Her smudged sindoor.
But forgot her big red dot
On the cracked mirror.
Deciding to take off
The load of her memories
She splashed her face
With new emotions
After removing her
Old red bindi on the glass in front.
Overwhelmed by old regrets
He looked into the mirror
Of his favourite hotel room
She was no more.
But there still stuck
Her red bindi.
A honeymoon happened
After a decade of marriage
She stole the red bindi
On the mirror wall
Of the new motel in town
To revive the passion
Subsumed in the fleeting years.
She did not realise
How she had fallen in love
With a man who brought her
Often to this hotel room
In the city corner.
She could not resist
To decorate her forehead
With the leftover red bindi
Dreaming of an impossible union.