The Indian Air Force launched a mobile game named 'Indian Air Force: A cut above'. Currently, it is a single-player mode game. During the launch in New Delhi on Wednesday, ...
Bhubaneswar: Home Guard Biranchi Narayan Hota has a new name. His colleagues have started calling him Abhinandan Hota, ever since he gave his moustache a gunslinger twist that is IAF pilot ...
New Delhi, IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman signature gunslinger moustache has become a national rage and a fashion statement among his countless followers in the country. Celebrated hair stylist Jawed Habib ...
New Delhi: IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman has mentally harassed during his stay under Pakistani captivity. Varthaman, who went through a detailed medical check up here after his release, told during ...
New Delhi: As the anxious wait for IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman kept on increasing on Friday, little did people back home knew Pakistan was resorting to yet another dirty game ...
Amritsar: IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman returned back to India at the Wagah-Attari border two days after he was captured by Pakistan. The countdown for the homecoming of Abhinandan began ...
Bhubaneswar: Captured IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman has become the human face of war. Military action on the LoC that led up to his capture on Wednesday morning and the subsequent ...