New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra recently launched a homeware collection called ‘Sona Home’, which includes dinnerware, table linen, bar décor and other items. These, she says, are representative of Indian culture. “Indian culture is known for its hospitality, it’s all about community and bringing people together…and for me that is the ethos of SONA HOME,” she wrote in an Instagram post. The intricate products are supposed to represent the Indian culture of hospitality. Their price, however, has sparked discontent among social media users who said it was way too high.
There are two categories of items: Sultan’s Garden and the Panna Collection. The Panna table runner costs Rs 14,043, the Panna rectangular table cloth is worth Rs 30,612, and a set of four Panna coasters costs Rs 4,576. One Sultan’s Garden dinner plate costs Rs 4,733, a serving bowl from the collection costs Rs 7,732, a teacup and a saucer are priced at Rs 5,365 and a mug is worth Rs 3,471. These are among a host of other items listed on the Sona Home website. All rates are approximate.
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Many Reddit users criticised the pricing.