Puri: In a serious security lapse which has upset devotees, unidentified persons allegedly vandalised several ‘chulhas’ (earthen ovens) inside the ‘Rosaghara’ (kitchen) of the Jagannath Temple in Odisha’s Puri.
While some reports put the number of ‘chulhas’ vandalised at over 40, others said the number was more than 80.
The incident is suspected to have taken place on Saturday evening. The identity of the miscreants and the motive remain unclear.
The temple administration has begun an inquiry into the incident. District Collector Samarth Verma also visited the temple to take stock of the situation.
Sources said the ‘Pithagada’, ‘Kothabhoga’, ‘Satapuri’ and ‘Thaliada’ ‘chulhas’ have been ransacked.
The Jagannath Temple kitchen is the largest in the world. Several types of hearths are used to prepare ‘Mahaprasad’, cooked in earthen pots, for Lord Jagannath and his sibling deities.
Only cooks (‘Suaras’) are allowed inside the kitchen. Visitors and devotees can see the preparation of ‘Mahaprasad’ from outside through small holes on the walls of the kitchen.
On the other hand, the ransacking is likely to affect the preparation and availability of Mahaprasad for devotees. The cooking and availability of Mahaprasad at Ananda Bazaar is to remain slightly affected due to the damage to the Chullahs in the Lord’s kitchen till tomorrow, said Collector Samarth Verma.