Addressing a meeting of Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat at Mangalajodi in Tangi block of Khurda district as part of the Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, he said 24.23 lakh connections have been released under Prime Minister Ujjwala Yojna (PMUY) till date.
“With the appointment of 177 new LPG distributors last year, the number went up to 775 till May 1 this year. Efforts are on to appoint 225 new distributors soon to make a total of 1000 distributors, which shows the level of LPG penetration in Odisha,” he pointed out.
Stating that there are four LPG bottling plants in Odisha, he said three new plants are being planned to be set up in Khurda, Balangir and Rayagada districts.
The objectives of LPG Panchayat were to sensitise the Ujjwala beneficiaries about safety and utility of LPG, health benefits of using clean fuels, distribution of new connections to beneficiaries, explaining the details of Expanded PMUY categories getting covered and collection of KYC forms for expanded categories of Ujjwala, among others.