My brother-in-law, Dipu, had come to stay with us for a few days when I was Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Sambalpur. After he left for Cuttack, I along with my...
One of the first things that B-School students in India learn is about the importance of the CAS - Career Advisory Services, or the Placement Committee as it is otherwise...
From the time I started teaching myself English in fifth standard by using the brilliant four-part translation manual by Odia educator Bainkunthanath Acharya - called ‘Structural Approach to Translation’ -...
This is too much too soon. First, Mandira Bedi was the target for daring to defy social norms at her husband’s death and now it is actress Shilpa Shetty, whose...
Odias have travelled far and wide, eons ago. There was a time when our fraternity fearlessly ventured across the seas with very little idea of far-off places, countries or continents....
India's count of COVID-19 exceeded 3.12 crore while the cumulative vaccination coverage has surpassed 41.76 crore, according to latest Health Ministry data. The media's focus has unwaveringly been on the...
The Olympic Games is the pinnacle of sports. Just earning the right to compete in the quadrennial extravaganza is the ultimate in numerous sportsperson’s career. And winning an Olympic gold...
During a national calamity, it is the responsibility of the central government to reach out to the last man standing at the margins. It has all the resources to do...
About 48 years ago, I was in Rourkela as the Additional District Magistrate (ADM) and Kanwal Jeet Singh Chatrath was the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO), Panposh. My house was just behind...