Bhubaneswar: Vigilance sleuths on Thursday raided the office, the residence and other properties of Deputy Director of Factories and Boilers Directorate, Ramesh Chandra Behera in a disproportionate assets case.
According to sources, a team of the anti-corruption wing raided six places including the residential house located at Vipul Garden, Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar, a relative’s house at Pilgrim Road Cuttack, the house at the native place at Pampalo under Korei in Jajpur, one plot at CDA with the room, office room at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack and a house located at Pondicherry.
The exact amount of disproportionate wealth is yet to be ascertained, the sources added.
Also Read: Vigilance Scanner On ‘Corrupt’ Municipal Official In Odisha’s Sambalpur