Patna: Jan Suraaj Party chief and poll strategist, Prashant Kishor, said he rejected the bail order and accepted to go to jail after a local court granted bail to the leader, who was arrested earlier in the day for staging fast-unto death protest at Patna’s Gandhi Maidan, where staging any demonstration is not allowed. Kishor had been on a fast unto death protest, demanding cancellation of a Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam. Kishor also added that reports claiming that he was slapped by policemen were false.
“From 5-11 am, I was made to sit in the Police vehicle and kept taking me to different places. Nobody told me where I was being taken even though I asked them multiple times…after 5 hours, they took me to Fatwah’s community centre and they wanted to conduct my medical test and get the certificate from doctors. I refused to give my consent because I did not do any criminal activity, I told the doctors this,” he said.
#WATCH | Patna: Jan Suraaj Party Chief Prashant Kishor says, " …From 5-11 am, I was made to sit in the Police vehicle and kept taking me to different places. Nobody told me where I was being taken even though I asked them multiple times…after 5 hours, they took me to Fatwah's…
— ANI (@ANI) January 6, 2025
Prashant claimed police tried to convince the doctors but they refused to give illegal certificate. “They recorded my statement that I refused to give a medical test…I was taken to court and I was granted bail but, it is written in the order that I should not do any wrongdoings, so I rejected this bail order, I accepted to go to jail,” he added.
According to Patna District Magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh, as per a Patna High Court order, “no dharna can be allowed at a spot other than the designated place in Gardani Bagh”.
Kishor has been on fast unto death since January 2. He is seeking cancellation of the integrated 70th combined (preliminary) competitive test conducted by the BPSC on December 13. BPSC had ordered the retest for a select group of candidates who had appeared in the December 13 exam. Such demands have come to the fore as the exam was embroiled over allegations of question paper leak. The retest was held on January 4 at 22 centres in Patna.