Cuttack: The Orissa High Court on Tuesday summarily rejected the affidavit filed by the Shri Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) seeking permission for opening of the Jagmohan after August 1 and asked the Niti Prasasak of the temple to appear in person later in the day.
The court in its earlier hearing on April 5 had asked the SJTA to file a separate affidavit specifying the exact date for opening of the Jagmohan.
The court wanted to know as to why the SJTA had failed to mention a specific date for the opening of Jagamohan while the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) had completed the repair work since a month.
Acting on the directive of the court, Niti Prasasak of Jagannath temple, Pradip Das, on Tuesday filed the affidavit before the court on behalf of the SJTA.
However, taking strong exception to the plea made by the SJTA in the affidavit seeking opening of the Jagmohan after August 1 while citing a series of rituals along with the ensuing Rath Yatra, the court outrightly rejected it.
Seeking explanation from the SJTA for its reluctance in the opening of the Jagmohan for the devotees although its repair had been completed by the ASI, the court asked the Niti Prasasak to appear before it in person in the afternoon and furnish a reply to this effect.