New Delhi: Following the stupendous success of Jawan, director Atlee has confirmed that he will make Jawan 2 but only if the script is strong enough to make a film on it. Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan in a double role, concluded with an open ending. The final scene hinted that Shah Rukh will return as Azad and Vikram Rathore, his father-son characters in the film, for yet another heist.
Speaking with Pinkvilla, Atlee said, “Every film of mine has an open end but to date, I have never thought of doing a sequel to any of my films. For Jawan, if anything strong comes to me, I will make a part two. I have kept an open end and I can come up with a sequel now or later. But definitely will come up with a sequel to Jawan one day.”
Earlier, a KoiMoi report claimed that Atlee has asked his team of writers to pen a script for the sequel. A source told the publication, “Everyone, including Khan Sahib (Shah Rukh Khan), is most excited about the sequel, and Atlee has asked his writers to speed up the process. Sequels are best served up when the original film is fresh in the audience’s mind. Yes, we know the Gadar sequel is creating history twenty-two years after the first film. But that is an exception. Jawan 2 will come while SRK is still jawaan (young).”