New Delhi: Sarjudas Maharaj, a Mahant responsible for heading ashrams in five states, was arrested in an alleged rape case of a 17-year-old in Rajasthan’s Bhilwara district. The Mahant headed ashrams in Maharashtra, Ayodhya and Badrinath as well.
According to police, the accused was arrested from his ashram on Wednesday in the rape case lodged under the POCSO Act and section 376 of the Indian Penal Code. He was sent to judicial custody ordered by the magistrate following a local court proceeding, a PTI report said.
Additional SP Bhilwara Chanchal Mishra was quoted as saying that the victim had lodged the case with Mandal police station sometime back alleging that Sarju Maharaj was raping her for the last 2 years. “After investigation, the accused was arrested,” Mishra said.
According to a Hindustan Times report, the Mahant had consumed a substance as soon as he was arrested from his Bhilwara ashram and subsequently fell unconscious. He was immediately taken to a hospital.
The Mahant raped the 17-year-old multiple times over the last two years. Another official said that earlier this month, the victim’s mother was attacked with acid and she also blamed Sarjudas for it. The minor, while taking care of her mother, broke down and narrated the ordeal of being raped by the Mahant at his ashram following which the rape case was registered.