Bhubaneswar: Smartphone maker Nokia has launched a laptop in India for the first time. Named PureBook X14, it is priced at Rs 59,990.
Powered by Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 512GB SSD storage, Intel UHD 620 Graphics, and Dolby Atmos, the 14-inch laptops weighs just 1.1 kg and will be sold exclusively on Flipkart.
The keyboard is backlit and the claimed battery-life is 8-hours.
Pre-orders will start on December 18.
In other news, one of the most popular laptop brands of yesteryears, Vaio is set to make a return to India. Originally a partner of Sony, Vaio will now launch laptops independently in January. The laptop will feature AMD processors and will be a high-end model, to begin with.