New Delhi: Actor Priyanka Chopra recently recalled how she went into ‘deep, deep depression’ when a failed nose surgery led to her losing out on three films. She was worried that her Bollywood career was over.
On The Howard Stern Show, the ‘Citadel’ actor said after she won the Miss World crown in 2000, she went to a doctor to check why she was having trouble breathing, which was coupled with a “lingering head cold.” According to the actor, the doctor had found a polyp (tissue growth) and suggested a surgery to get it removed from her nasal cavity. But during the surgery, Priyanka claimed, the doctor accidentally shaved the bridge of her nose, causing it to collapse and thus altering her face. “It was a dark phase,” the actor was quoted as saying as she revealed she was fired from three films after that and believed her acting career “was over before it started.” “This thing happens, and my face looks completely different, and I went into a deep, deep depression,” Priyanka added.
The actor said the situation got so bad that she didn’t want to leave the house, which is when her father, a doctor himself, encouraged her to go back under the knife and get corrective surgery done. “I was terrified of that, but he was like, ‘I will be in the room with you. He held my hands through it and helped me build back my confidence.”
Priyanka credited filmmaker Anil Sharma for showing faith in her and standing with her against the tide. She made her Hindi film debut with Sharma’s The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, featuring Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta.
“I was supposed to play this lead, and I was shifted to a supporting character. That filmmaker was very kind. He, while the tide was against me, said, ‘It will be a small part but give it your all.’ And I did.’”
“I was supposed to play this lead, and I was shifted to a supporting character. That filmmaker was very kind. He, while the tide was against me, said, ‘It will be a small part but give it your all.’ And I did.’”