New Delhi: BJP leader and Bhubaneswar MP Aparajita Sarangi on Friday said that Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Rape In India’ remark shows his ‘tremendous immaturity.’
She further said that he lacked knowledge and sensitivity.
Take a swipe at the NDA government over rising sexual violence against women, Rahul, while addressing an election rally in Jharkhand, had said, “Narendra Modi had said ‘Make in India’ but nowadays wherever you look, it is ‘Rape in India’.”
The BJP lawmakers on Friday launched a blistering attack on the Congress leader in the Lok Sabha for appropriating a government initiative’s name to decry crime against women and sought his apology, which he refused to do.
“I won’t apologise… Let me clarify what I said. I said the PM keeps talking about ‘Make In India’. So when one opens the newspaper one hoped that one would see news about it, but what do we see when we open the papers? We see so many cases of rapes,” he said later.
Speaking to the media outside the House, Araparjita said that Rahul doesn’t even know what he is talking and his comments have not only hurt women but also disgraced the entire country.