New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut owns a beautiful Mumbai apartment as also a Manali mansion that has been designed by interior designer Shabnam Gupta. The designer has worked with other celebs such as Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Mini Mathur and the late Irrfan Khan, among others. On Thursday, Kangana spoke about her love for home decor as she shared a video from inside her Mumbai home. The actor said she has ‘always had a very clear vision’ for all her houses. Kangana gave a glimpse of how she was styling ‘mountain checks with Tanjore paintings’ and renovating her apartment on her own.
Sharing the video of her home, she wrote, “I have always had a very clear vision for all my houses but nothing comes close to doing it myself. Mountain checks with Tanjore paintings, all about a heart that belongs to the mountains, but loves southern India.” In the clip, her team can be seen hanging a huge Tanjore painting next to another one with an elaborate frame on a green wall. A wooden daybed with cushions and a mattress covered in a grey and white check pattern is placed in front of the wall.
On Wednesday, Kangana had reshared her sister-in-law Ritu Ranaut’s Instagram Stories giving a glimpse into the signboard on a wall with floral wallpaper outside a room. It read, “No trespassing. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again!”