Puri: Police on Sunday took two more arrested accused, Hari Panda and Baba Mohapatra, to the spot where Jagannath Temple servitor Krushna Chandra Pratihari was shot dead from point-blank range to recreate the crime scene.
On Saturday, police recreated the crime scene with arrested accused Tutu Mohapatra and Kunmuni Suar.
So far, 10 persons have been arrested in connection with the case. The others arrested are Kalia Singhari, his son Dalagobinda, Muna Patra, Sandip Jena, Kalu Panigrahi and Jagan Khatei.
Kalia and Dalagobinda are the main conspirators. Kalia is the brother of Guna Singhari, whose murder in 2012 reportedly led to the revenge killing of Pratihari.