Rayagada: In a tragic incident, a youth drowned in Nagavali river near a hanging bridge at Chekaguda in Rayagada while taking a selfie on Tuesday. The deceased has been identified as T. Gangaraju of Andhra Pradesh.
According to sources, three youths had come from Katabalasa of Andhra Pradesh for a darshan of Maa Majhighariani. After darshan of the deity, they went to the tourist place near Chekaguda hanging bridge. While taking a selfie on a rock, Gangaraju slipped, fell into the water and drowned.
Getting information, Fire Service personnel reached the spot and started searching him. Later, his body was spotted on the bank of the river near Mariguda village. Sesakhala police station IIC informed that Gangaraju’s dead body will be handed over to his family members after postmortem.