Mumbai: Following the brutal attack on her husband Saif Ali Khan on Thursday, Kareena Kapoor released a statement on Instagram requesting the media to refrain from relentless coverage and speculations.
Describing the day as “incredibly challenging” for her family, Kareena stated that constant scrutiny of the incident by media and paparazzi is apparently posing a threat to their safety.
“We are still trying to process the events that have unfolded. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from relentless speculation and coverage. While we appreciate the concern, the constant scrutiny not only overwhelms us but also puts our safety at risk,” Kareena stated.
She also requested media to give them space and time to heal and deal with this challenging situation and thanked them for their understanding and cooperation in advance.
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Around 2 am on Thursday, Saif was stabbed multiple times by an unidentified man at his Bandra residence. The actor, who suffered deep wounds and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, underwent surgery and is currently recuperating.