New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Friday transferred the investigation into the deaths of three civil services aspirants at Rau’s IAS Study Circle coaching centre to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Amid heavy rains in the national Capital, the trio drowned to death in the basement of the Old Rajender Nagar coaching centre on July 27.
The high court directed the central vigilance commissioner to appoint an officer to monitor the CBI probe and ensure that it is conducted on time.
“Having regards to the nature of the incident and to ensure that public has no doubt with respect to the investigation, this court transfers the probe to the CBI. Since central vigilance commissioner exercises supervisory power, this court directs the commissioner to appoint a member to supervise the probe,” the high court order added.
In a scathing observation against the administration, the high court noted that physical infrastructure like drains is not even adequate and poorly maintained, and that recent tragedies have shown its orders to the civic agencies are not being followed in true letter and spirit and being treated like “water off a duck’s back.”