Keonjhar: The Chhattisgarh police had a tough time apprehending a youth, who had allegedly eloped with a minor girl from Sitapur in the neighbouring state, amid stiff opposition from locals at Joda in Odisha’s Keonjhar district.
According to sources, the youth, identified as Rohit, met the 16-year-old girl on Facebook and they subsequently got into a relationship.
On March 28, the girl’s family lodged a complaint with Sitapur police, alleging that Rohit ran away with her. The cops traced Rohit to Joda and conducted a raid in a slum with local police and rescued the minor girl. The locals, however, stopped police from taking the youth to police station and pleaded with them to show some compassion and set him free since he had recently lost his parents and had three younger sisters to take care of.
Meanwhile, Chhattisgarh police held a discussion with the family members of Rohit and the minor girl to resolve the matter.
Rohit, who was appearing for State Open School Certificate Examination (SOSCE), was unable to write the test following his detention by police of the neighbouring state.