New Delhi: A man who allegedly murdered his live-in partner, chopped her body in 35 pieces and threw them away, was arrested by Delhi Police on Saturday. According to the police, Aftab Ameen Poonawalla strangled his live-in partner Shraddha on May 18 after they had a fight. He then chopped her body into 35 pieces and bought a fridge to keep them. Over the next 18 days, he left his house at 2 am to dispose of the pieces at various locations around Delhi, NDTV reported.
Shraddha, 26, worked at the call centre for a multinational company in Mumbai where she met Poonawalla. The two started dating and moved in together. Since her family did not approve of their relationship, the couple eloped and started living in Delhi’s Mehrauli area.
On the basis of his complaint, police arrested Poonawalla on Saturday. During the investigation, he revealed that the two fought frequently as Shraddha wanted to marry him, the report added.
The police have filed a case of murder and are searching for Shraddha’s body.