Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging at his Bandra residence on June 14, but he had left no suicide note. This gave rise to speculation that he might have been murdered.
Amid the various controversies surrounding Sushant’s untimely demise, the actor’s father K K Singh has reportedly taken to social media platform to seek justice for his son.
Interesting, this unverified Twitter user with the name K K Singh identifies himself as the father of Susant Singh Rajput and has posted a string of tweets since July 1.
One of the tweets alleged that Sushant had been getting threat calls before his demise. Following which, the actor had to change his SIM card nearly 50 times in a month, it added.
Through the tweets, the user stressed that the actor was quite brave and couldn’t die by suicide.
The user has also demanded CBI probe into Sushant’s suicide case.
In some of the tweets, K K Singh has also called out some of the Bollywood bigwigs.