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As we all know by now – COVID-19 is here to stay. At the moment, neither are vaccines available nor do we know when vaccines will be commercially available in...
Read moreDetailsThe COVID-19 pandemic has struck the world at a time when my mind has wandered in the quest to find answers to uncertainty. For instance, why does uncertainty perplex some...
Read moreDetailsPurabi Patra’s routine hasn’t changed much due to the nationwide lockdown which was enforced by the government last month to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. If anything, the animal...
Read moreDetailsIn the end, there is hope. Mankind has suffered worse and survived. There is no reason why it won't this time. Covid-19, as evidence suggests, maybe a midget among pandemics...
Read moreDetailsThe Encyclopaedia Britannica says that long long back it was a maxim that the plague never appeared east of the Indus River. That is of course because then the origins of...
Read moreDetailsNormally, I crave good food, which is my passion but post Masterchef, I was craving sleep and family time. Having spent four months in Mumbai with a very busy schedule...
Read moreDetailsI find myself in an exclamatory mood, bandying about clichés such as ‘ironical’, ‘a mockery of fate’, ‘hoist with one’s own petard’ as I sit down to pen my corona...
Read moreDetailsThe COVID-19 pandemic has single-handedly been able to stall normal functioning of humankind in all possible aspects over the last couple of months. This has resulted in unprecedented loss of...
Read moreDetailsA research sponsored by the Chinese Government in 2019 had warned of a new coronavirus from bats in China. “The majority of the coronaviruses (CoVs) can be found in China....
Read moreDetailsLondon: This lockdown has been an experience of a lifetime, not only for me but for many others I know. I was/am one of those fortunate/unfortunate ones who decided to...
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