When we think of financially needy and desperate people, images of the poor and hungry, desperate for food, come to mind rather than of well educated and well-dressed individuals. Yet...
Thousands of women in India become pregnant every day. Many of them multiple times over their course of life. Several of them suffer from pregnancy and child birth-related complications. More...
Vivid memories of my brother, cousins and me lying near our dad on a hot mid-summer evening, listening to one of his many stories come alive like it was yesterday....
"Blame it on the pale blue aerogramme," Subrat said as he readied to board the Aeroflot flight to London at Calcutta. He was not alone. With him were his wife...
He who was close to us From far off seemed to have come To our uncanny homeland, Only a searching for traces With a divining rod of words That quivered...
A good number in India is aware of the Third Floor (TF) in Odisha. Specifically in business and policy circles. Never before in public governance has a floor of a...
It is your story. My story. Our Story. We have often resorted to the comfort, succour, hope, nostalgia, and pleasure that music evokes. Not as music artists and singers. Or...
Global warming due to climate change is the single-most important issue, which is threatening the very existence of humankind. In the beginning, with due apology to the experts, I wish...
If only he had read the signs, if only he had made that telephone call that night, things might have turned out differently. But he had failed to read the...
Like every year, Indian Air Force (IAF) Day was celebrated in style at Hindan air force station in Ghaziabad, near New Delhi, on October 8. We live in Ghaziabad, where...