New Delhi: Actress Priyanka Chopra moved to Hollywood because she wasn’t quite satisfied with the job opportunity she was receiving in Bollywood. Discussing her reasons for leaving Bollywood for the first time, Priyanka Chopra discussed the real reason she moved to the United States and began hunting for jobs. When Priyanka made the decision to try her luck as a musician in America, she was already one of the biggest Bollywood stars. She has now said that she wasn’t quite satisfied with the job opportunity she was receiving in the Bollywood film industry.
In a podcast interview, Priyanka said she was going to discuss the real reason she was searching for a job in America for the first time because she feels “safe” talking about it. She claimed that while she was filming for Saat Khoon Maaf, Anjula Acharia of Desi Hits noticed her in a music video and approached her. She inquired if she was interested in pursuing a music career in the United States.
Priyanka said, “I was being pushed into a corner in the industry (Bollywood). I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game so I kind of was tired of the politics and I said I needed a break.”
Additionally, she stated that this music thing gave her another opportunity to go to another part of the world. She said, “not crave for the movies I didn’t want to get but I would require to schmooze certain clubs and cliques of people. It would require grovelling and I had worked a long time by then that I didn’t feel like I wanted to do it.”
Priyanka Chopra had the chance to work with Pitbull, Will.I.Am, Pharell Williams, and even met Jay Z! When her singing career didn’t pan out, she said, she soon realised she was much better at her “day job.” After that, she auditioned for acting jobs before landing a role in Quantico.