Ever since the two baddies walked into our after-school hours-life a year or so ago, each humdrum school day was transformed. Late afternoons in the school playground were splashed with...
Berhampur: With modern lifestyle penetrating remote corners of Odisha, the traditional Idital paintings that adorned houses of the Saora tribals are now seen on the walls of star hotels. According...
In our daily lives, “pressure cooker meals” have meant survival for families. Especially during the COVID pandemic, this humble kitchen appliance has given us the quick hot khichdi or a...
The recent spell of rains once again exposed the shortcomings of the civic infrastructure at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Local news channels were replete with visuals of waterlogged roads and flooded...
Whoever I meet or speak to on the phone nowadays waxes eloquent on the need to be happy, to live one’s life to the full, be content, identify needs and...
My father used to narrate about his boss an incident, which greatly influenced me in childhood. Mr. R K Padhi was Inspector General (IG) of Police in Odisha in the...
With reducing COVID rates and increasing vaccine uptake, life is gradually limping back to normalcy. So recently we had the EMEA (European Middle East & Africa) team meeting after nearly...
How often have we used phrases like ‘office politics', ‘family politics’ and also ‘marriage politics'. And yet, we continue to shy away or refrain from voicing our opinions when it...
The commotion on the main arterial road that cuts the town of Baripada in two made us boys suspend our game in the empty patch of grassy field below. An...
Traditionally, litti has been an extremely popular and convenient meal for the locals of Bihar, Jharkhand, and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It was the poor man's food, a staple for labourers...