Made in Heaven is a fictional show, which depicts the pitfalls and shenanigans of Indian weddings, on Amazon Prime. I felt it got sidetracked into too much wokeness and ultimately...
Reality shows like The Bachelor, The Kardashians, Roadies, Splitsvilla and others of similar ilk can be highly engrossing and addictive even though there is a huge element of shallowness to...
The current political climate in India as well as globally has given rise to a number of web series of late that has centred around themes like Islamic terrorism, Hindutva...
Season 1 of Mindhunter became a huge hit mainly due to word-of-mouth as there was really not much advertising of it offline or in the social media. Its brilliance lied...
It is difficult to write about a television series that is based on such a grim incident because one has to be careful about one's choice of words. One is...
The gap for the ‘sitcom’ of the decade, is something that has always existed in the lives of young adults across the world. While in the early years, it was...
The predicament with producing anti-establishment art is that you are always going to polarise public opinion and the polarisation will produce views that will depend on political alignments and more...